If you are looking for a cost-effective long-term solution for a shock-free workstation with live equipment, then electrical insulating mats are where you begin. But, if you are going to invest money in insulation, you might as well know exactly what you are buying.
This is where our insulating mat experts have combined 10+ years of industry experience to bring you a comprehensive buyer’s guide to insulating mats.
You would find high voltage insulating mats or rather known as electrical insulating mats in almost all industries that have work done on live electrical equipment. Mainly it is also a mandatory safety protection material for occupational safety.
But, choosing one and being forced to settle for bad quality is not something we endorse at Duratuf. And, our insulating mats experts have solved it for buyers everywhere.
Switchboard mattings are one of the single most important electrical safety gear that is designed to take in high voltages. So, buying one would also need you to know a little something about it.
First, you would have to figure out where you would be installing the insulating mats. Confused? Well, let us make it simpler for you.
Application Areas for Electrical Insulating Mats
As you can see insulating mats are not just used for basic electrical safety but also for a 100% shock-free work site for heavy-duty industries.
So, if you would be seeing a lot of electrical interventions on your worksite. Then insulating mats would be the only thing standing between you and an unwarranted accident.
If Your Working Voltage is Below 1000V
When it comes to mattings for working voltages below 1000V would be fine to use any insulating mat that is pretesting for 11,000V.
But, in all this what really makes the difference is the grade of the rubber that is used to produce these rubber electrical mats. Pure grade natural rubber is one of the best materials that produce uncompromised shock-free value electrical insulating mats.
Now, in terms of high voltage insulating mats, it would depend on which part of the world you are from. For example, every country has its own Occupational Safety requirements in terms of grading insulating mats.
So, it would be easier for you if we broke it up according to the many grades available for you to choose from. If you are looking for electrical safety matting 1000V and above, then the next portion is totally for you.
Buyer’s Guide for International Buyers

One of the easiest ways to find the standard that works best for you is to see your national electrical safety guidelines that endorse a mandatory standard and compliance for insulation mats.
When it comes to absolute coverage from electrical accidents, installing the IEC 61111 or ASTM-D-178 insulating mats would get the job done rightly for you. This is where our expert's recommended Insulating Mats Buyer's Guide is set to be your best friend.
For UK & Europe Users
The IEC 61111 is set by the International Electrotechnical Commission and is highly electrical resistant. If you are residing in the UK or Europe, then the required mandatory insulating mats standards grade would be precisely IEC 61111.
In fact, if you are looking for a Electrical Safety Mats in the UK for non-conductive electrical purposes then this would be the minimum standard requirement.
You can choose thickness starting from 2.o mm and we can customize as per customer requirements all the way up to 14 mm.
So, when you are choosing the right insulating mat for your workplace then here are the things you would need to know.
For USA Users
ASTM Switchboard Type 1 Rubber Matting is expressly designed to protect against electrical shock when working around high voltage apparatus such as fuse boxes, control panels, and electrical machinery when used as specified by ASTM D178.
Electrical Rubber Insulating mats that are manufactured according to the ASTM-D-178 standard are the highly popular and most updated matting standard available in the USA.
For Australian & New Zealand Users
When it comes to users from Australia and New Zealand, the standard you are looking to buy is certified by the AS/NZS 2978:1995.
Manufactured as per the standards of Australia/ New Zealand Committee EL/4.
Specifics of IEC:61111/ASTM D-178 Insulating Mats
The basic idea behind ensuring that you get exactly what you paid for is to get the specifics of your insulating mats right. So, for further clarity, our insulating mats expert has put together the voltage requirements of pre-tests and all.
The specifications below are the parameters you use to order IEC 61111 or ASTM-D-178 insulating mats from your country respectively.
For 1000V
1000V AC maximum working voltage, usually Class 0, comes with a 5kV proof test and a 10KV withstand the test.
For 7500V
7500V AC maximum working voltage usually Class 1 comes with 10kV proof test and a 20KV withstand the test.
For 17000V
17000V AC maximum working voltage usually Class 2 comes with 20kV proof test and a 30KV withstand the test.
For 26500V
26500V AC maximum working voltage – Class 3 – 30kV proof test and a 40KV withstand the test.
For 36000V
36000V AC maximum working voltage – Class 4 – 40kV proof test and a 50KV withstand the test.
Why Choose IEC 61111 Certified Electrical Matting?
When it comes to occupational health and safety authorities you would find that every country has its very own vetting body. When it comes to the USA OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Association) and for the UK it is the HSE (Health & Safety Executive).
Regardless of where you are adhering to their safety protocols in terms of electrical safety would be a binding responsibility for you.
- Safer for people who work on live equipment
- A common standard that ensures trial, tested & proven quality
The good news is that you can order your preferred cut lengths, custom shapes, and colours if you know the above information about the maximum working voltages.
For your custom requirements, you need to submit the width x length as per your requirement.
Not Installing Safety Regulations?
Whichever country it is that you have your work in a factory or work site without proper safety measures opens doors to much bigger problems. There is a firm reason why switchboard matting regulations are important, it not just saves the company but saves its task force.
If you fail to install safety regulations as per the electrical safety guidelines and legal legislations the safety authority has the following jurisdictions;
The whole idea behind ensuring electrical safety in your workplace doesn’t just begin at the basic but ensuring 100% of it is what matters.
That is where premium grade insulating mats that are certified and pre-tested makes all the difference.
The 10 Ways to be Safe From Electrical Accidents at a worksite is geared to help you find long-term solutions for electrical safety at work.
For Indian Insulating Mat Buyers

While we walk along the very same lines of the necessity for electrical safety at workplaces, it brings us to the largest democracy in the world; India.
With a booming industry and more and more machinery and technical advancements, the need for workplace safety stands the test of time.
When it comes to Electrical Safety Matting and Switchboard Mattings, India is one of the leading countries in manufacturing natural rubber materials for industrial purposes.
You would think that has created a massive awareness among employers and employees to also adhere to electrical safety in workplaces. They do.
And, insisting on an ongoing dialogue to ensure electrical safety drives such practices. But, with all the claims out there going for certified electrical mattings is the priority.
So how do you exactly figure out which electrical insulating mat is the right one for you in India?
Simply! Always checklist the below points before making your purchase.
X-Volt Insulating Mats | 15652:2006
X-Volt is the leading insulating mat that is certified by the latest Indian Standard IS 15652:2006. It also comes accredited by the BIS.
Exceeding the requirements of users, if you are in the market looking for durable and affordable insulating mats then your search ends right here. Perfect for AC & DC panels they come with an anti-skid design.
ISI marked on every meter they are precisely aimed at consumers for a pocket pinch with uncompromising quality.
ISI 001 3300V working voltage, usually Class A type, with 10.0KV Ac proof test and 30.0 KV withstand the test.
ISI 002 11000KV working voltage usually Class B with 22.0KV Ac proof test and 45.0KV withstand the test.
ISI 003 33000KV working voltage usually, Class C, 36.0KV Ac proof test with 65.0KV withstand the proof test.
The above are the markings you would need in order to ensure that you are choosing only certified insulating mats. When it comes to switchboard matting regulations in India, it is mandatory to ensure a well-insulated workstation for people who work on live equipment.
Apart from X-volt certified IS 15652:2006, you can also choose Safevolt under the same certification. You will get the BIS/CPRI/ERDA certification and a Test Certificate along with all supplies. Slightly more expensive than X-Volt because of the premium finish.
The only difference between the Safevolt and X-Volt is that X-Volt is aimed at price-sensitive clients. Regardless, once you provide clarity in the thickness, size, colour you need, you could get yourself premium-grade insulating mats.
However, you will also find IS 5424:1969 Rubber Mats which are the preceding standard for the updated IS 15652:2006. This standard is still widespread for general use.
But, we at Duratuf always recommend using the most updated compliance certification for insulating mats which are Safevolt and X-Volt.
Not all major manufacturers will be able to provide easy delivery with custom sizes, shapes, and colours, but there are leading rubber sheet manufacturers in India who will.
Buyer’s Guide for IS 15652:2006 Insulating Mats
Indian Electrical Safety Regulations
Did you know that according to the FICCI’s India Risk Survey 2017, fires are rated as the 5th largest risk to Indian businesses?
Fire-related incidents were reported to form major public sectors, like the Railway, Défense, Industries, Logistics, and City Centres. In fact, also home front domains and festivals.
And, you are right!
One of the main reasons behind such accidents is the failure to comply with electrical safety regulations, faulty equipment and so much more.
But the one that stands out most in being the sole reason behind business failures is the heating and the electrical fire due to short circuits.
India has a very detailed safety regulation scheme at workplaces. All information can be found regarding an employer’s duties towards keeping the workplace safe for live equipment work. Failing to comply can result in your business sin shutting down completely.
You can just visit the Indian Ministry of Labour & Employment.
In the end, the idea is to ensure that your company flourishes. And adhering to electrical safety regulations is going to be one of the ways you can stick in the business in the long term.
What to do When You Need Custom Orders?
It wouldn’t matter whether you are in the USA or UAE, getting custom orders should never be an issue for you.
But, getting your message across to your distributor or even the end manufacturer is not easy.
Our insulating mat experts have put together the most important factors you need to put together when approaching custom orders.
Standard Size for IS 15652:2006
Sizes start at 1.0 Mtr Wide x 20.0 Mtr. Long for 2.0mm & 2.5mm. Now, if you need 3.0mm the standard size would start at 1.0 Mtr Wide x 10.0 Mtr Long.
In terms of standard colours, you would get Black & Blue without metallic derivatives.
If you would need anything different and cut lengths, you would need to provide the above measurements to your distributor/manufacturer.
Standard Size for IEC 61111/ASTM and AS/NZS
Sizes start at 1.0 Mtr Wide x 10.0 Mtr Long and 1.2 Mtr Wide x 10.0 Mtr. Long. The standard colours you would get is Black without the metallic derivatives.
Now, if you are looking for cut lengths, custom shapes, sizes, and colours you would have to provide the distributor/manufacturer with the width & length.
How to Select Class & Standard for Matting?
This is probably the part of this Insulating Mats Buyer’s Guide that is geared to help you out the most! After 10+ years of combined experience, we the insulating mats experts have found an easier way to figure out what you really need.
In terms of your electrical insulating matting, you would need to figure out the following in determining the class & standard that will work right for you.
One of the main reasons why you should be paying attention to the class and standard is also because of the productivity increase of your task force.
You would want your task force to be working comfortably on an anti-skid-designed insulating mat.
So, your choice of insulating mats will ensure that you are making the best of your work environment.
Recommendations & Storage
This is something that most people overlook in buying insulating mats. You have bought the best insulating mats on the market, then what do you do?
Our insulating mats buyer’s guide has curated the easy to store techniques for your electrical insulating mats.
Store your insulating mats in temperatures between 20 degrees C and 21-degree C. If you are transporting them, ensure you have arranged for them to not be folded or compressed and not in proximity of direct sunlight and artificial heat.
Pre-Test Your Mats
It doesn’t matter when you have purchased your insulating mat. Ensure that you are checking it well for any damage prior to using it. If any damage is found send it right away for testing or being replaced.
Regular Inspections
As much as you may have heard that electrical insulating mats last you a lifetime. If you fail to take care of it, it will not. So, periodic inspections are mandatory, even for the insulating mats that are stored.
You need to electrically test it in accordance with the relevant standard within a maximum period of 12 months.
Things You Need to Install Insulating Mats
This is the part which will help you pre-prepare your tools before you install the insulating matting on the floor. Our insulation experts have narrowed your tools down to four things!
Expert Recommended Precautions
If you are going to be handling insulating mats, then the how-to is going to be helpful for you.
For years we have seen clients mishandle insulating mats and end up using damaged mats.
So, we put a great emphasis on ensuring proper handling guidelines for electrical matting.
You should not expose insulating mats to heat or light. Yes, all these mats are water/oil/chemical proof. But if you would be pasting it onto greasy flooring, you would be damaging its longevity of it.
If you will be fixing up soiled insulating mats you can easily do it with soap and water at and temperature not exceeding 65 degrees-C. Make sure you dry them thoroughly.
And, while you are doing all of this, we recommend having work gloves or nonconductive gloves on. That is if you are working around live equipment.
Insulating Mats Pricing

When it comes to pricing, after years of research and being in the industry, there is just one conclusion. Saving with compromised quality will mean you are risking your business collapse due to an unwarranted accident.
So, going for certified compliance with standards even if you will be paying a penny more, will save you thousands in the future.
The whole idea is whether you are getting long-term protection against electrical hazards or not. And, the only way you can confirm that is through vigorous checking and confirming standard compliances.
For example, when our customers approach us saying they have found cheaper options. We always maintain a commitment to quality-backed products. We do not guarantee the cheapest prices. But we do guarantee the best quality.
Warranties and Insulating Mats
This is a point you should never forget to ask your seller about insulating mats. If you are looking for durable insulating mats, then your search starts with the manufacturer/distributor who is willing to give you the very best deal in after-sales.
For example, we at Duratuf unless mentioned otherwise offer a free replacement warranty against any manufacturing defect of 2 years for Safevolt Insulating Mat and 1 year for all other insulating mats.
Except IS 5424, which comes with a 3-month warranty.
So, always ask about your after-sales deal when buying your insulating mats.
Where to Buy Insulating Mats?
We will always recommend buying credited and full compliance insulating mats from registered distributors or manufacturers. Whether you are online or offline, insist on buying directly from either of the two options mentioned.
That way you can ensure that you are being given a quality that has been pre-tested and approved will 100% compliance with all mandatory regulatory standards.
At Duratuf we don’t just combine powers to manufacture premium grade, fully complied insulating mats but also innovate and make the buying process easier for everyone everywhere.
When ordering your insulating mats here is the information, we need from you.
Once you have provided us with the above (Required) information, we can help you buy the insulating mats that work for you best and for a long time too and reasonably low prices.
So, don’t go and bust all your money behind faulty insulating mats backed with fake promises. We hope the above buyer’s guide helps you check and locate all your insulation needs to help you make the best deal possible on the market.
And, if you need guidance and want to procure insulating mats then just contact us and an insulating mats expert from Duratuf will be at your service immediately.