Electrical Safety Rubber Mats: Essential Regulations You Need to Know

Published On: August 16th, 2024

    Are you confident about your workplace safety practices? An electrical safety rubber mat for electrical panel safeguards- but are you doing enough?
    Workplace safety is paramount, yet work-related injuries (WRIs) continue to pose a significant concern.

    What are WRIs?

    The International Labour Organization (ILO) defines a work-related injury (WRI) as “any personal injury, disease, or death resulting from a work-related accident”
    Made of dielectric elastomer, an electric mat protects the workers by creating a safety barrier.

    Why Shouldn’t You Ignore Electric Safety?


    According to a research paper on Saudi Arabian workplaces, it has been found that the injury percentage for Saudi workers rose from 5.3% in 2016 to 10% in 2021.
    The OSHA identifies the following hazards as the most frequent causes of electric accidents in the USA workplaces:

    • Contact with power lines,

    • Lack of ground-fault protection
    • Path to ground missing or discontinuous

    • Equipment not used in the manner prescribed
    • and Improper use of extension and flexible cords
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    The Critical Role of an Electrical Rubber Safety Mats

    Electrical rubber safety mats protect workers from electrical shocks by providing insulation from live electrical equipment. These mats are essential in environments where there is a risk of electric shock, such as substations, power plants, and industrial facilities. However, not all mats are created equal. For example, electrical safety matting for countries like Jordan or UAE should be able to withstand high temperatures and harsh climates, also.

    Choosing the right mat is crucial, as different environments and voltage levels require specific types of mats.

    The IEC 61111 standard suggests all the required tests that qualify an electric shock proof rubber mat for that region. The IEC 61111 standard is also applicable in South Asian countries like Jordan.

    Using non-compliant mats can result in devastating consequences, including injuries, fatalities, and legal repercussions.

    Key Regulations and Standards

    1. IEC 61111

    The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61111 standard specifies the requirements for rubber insulating mats used for electrical purposes. The present IEC 61111 standard has superseded the CLC/TS 61111:2006 standard.

    Key points include in the IEC 61111:2009:

    • Material Specifications: Mats must be made from high-quality rubber to provide adequate insulation. The 4.3.1 part of the IEC guidelines tells about the composition.
      It tells that both sides of the electrical insulating matting shall be slip resistant, which can be attained with a corrugated design. The mat should be free from insertions of any kind that may hamper its dielectric properties.
      Duratuf IEC 61111:2009 electrical safety rubber mat for electrical panel has a ribbed design. Discover its complete features here.

    • Thickness: Typically ranges from 2mm to 5mm, depending on the voltage level.
    • Color Coding: IEC insulating mat has color-coded labels. This color coding helps the workers identify the appropriate mat for a specific voltage level.
    • Testing: Mats must undergo rigorous testing, including electrical, mechanical, and aging tests, to ensure their durability and effectiveness.

    2. ASTM D178

    The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D178 standard outlines the specifications for rubber insulating mats in electrical applications. Presently, ASTM is known as ASTM International.

    Highlights of this regulation about a rubber safety mat include:

    • Classification: Mats are classified based on their maximum use voltage, ranging from Class 0 (up to 1,000V) to Class 4 (up to 36,000V).
    • Markings: Each mat must be marked with its class, manufacturer, and other relevant information.
    • Performance Tests: Includes dielectric, tensile strength, and elongation tests to verify performance under various conditions.

    A rubber safety mat, unlike the foam floor for basement is safety equipment. They are rigorously tested.

    3. IS 15652

    The Indian Standard (IS) 15652 provides guidelines for rubber insulating mats used in electrical installations. The IS 15652 electric mats are only applicable in India.

    Key aspects include:

    • Design and Dimensions: Specifies the design, dimensions, and tolerances for mats.
    • Testing Requirements: Includes electrical resistance, tensile strength, and oil resistance tests.
    • Certification: Mats must be certified by an accredited testing laboratory to ensure compliance. The Duratuf X-Volt mats are ERDA-certified. They are third-party tested in NABL-accredited labs.

    Best practices to stay compliant with your rubber mat for electrical panel room

    Choosing mats that meet the safety mats is not enough. To ensure comprehensive electrical protection, adhere to these best practices recommended by electric insulating mat suppliers:

    • Select an electric safety rubber mat for electric panel of the correct thickness
    • Install the rubber mat for electrical panel room following the manufacturer’s guidelines
    • Inspect the rubber safety mat regularly
    • Store the electrical safety matting at an optimum temperature
    • Train your team about the safety practices
    • Check the certificates and documents carefully
      Want a detailed version of these compliance practices? Get the full guide by clicking here.

    To Summarize

    Safety regulations are set to give you electrical protection. The electric safety mats are not commercial non-slip floor mats. They offer added safety. Therefore, more than getting convinced by the electrical insulating mats price list, you should check the quality.
    Don’t compromise on safety. Make sure you have compliant, high-quality electrical safety mats at your place of business. Our specialists can help you do that. Connect with our team today!

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